Tongass 77The Tongass 77 is an effort led by Southeast Alaska commercial and sport fishermen aimed to persuade congress to increase conservation measures on the best wild salmon and trout habitat in the Tongass.
RoadlessIn 2018, the State of Alaska petitioned to begin a review of the Roadless Rule in the Tongass. The fate of 9.2 million currently Roadless acres and a ton of fish watersheds lies in the balance.
Public LandsPublic lands drive the private-sector economy of Southeast Alaska. With abundant salmon runs, large deer and bear populations, and incredible scenery, the Tongass serves as a foundation for commercial fishing, outfitter and guide, and tourism industries.
Wild Steelhead The Alaska Department of Fish & Game specifies key waterways for anadromous fish in a document called the Anadromous Waters Catalogue (AWC), which triggers special protections. Join TU as we work to gain proof of steelhead existence in Southeast so they receive the protections they need.
Canadian MinesA mining boom is taking place upstream of Southeast Alaska on three major rivers that flow across the border: the Taku, Stikine and Unuk. Currently, there are no enforceable policies for upstream large-scale development, leaving our wild salmon and trout, clean water, and the jobs they support unprotected.
ClimateThe Tongass stores more carbon than any other forest in the United States and slows the impacts of climate change, just by standing.
The Trout Unlimited Alaska program works to conserve, protect and restore wild salmon and trout populations throughout Alaska. TU's vision for the Tongass National Forest includes permanent conservation designations for high-value salmon and trout watersheds, as well as the implementation of a comprehensive pan for restoring fish passage and impacted watersheds throughout the region. These actions will sustain and enrich the vital economic and social contributions of salmon and trout in Southeast Alaska.